Global Nineteenth-Century Studies
Special issue on Transimperial Latin America
Vol 2, issue 1
I. Articles
Introduction: Transimperial Rhythms
Keith Clavin
Cuban Independence in the British Press, 1894-1898
Keith Clavin
Strange Neighbours: Victorians in South America
Jessie Reeder
Haggard’s Montezuma’s Daughter (1893) as Memoir of the Spanish Conquest
Luz Elena Ramirez
London in 1810: Spanish American Independence at 27 Grafton Street
Omar F. Miranda
II. Reviews
Leonard R. Koos on French Decadence in a Global Context: Colonialism and Exoticism, edited by Julia Hartley, Wanrug Sawanwattana, and Jennifer Yee
Lisa A. Lindsay on Yellow Demon of Fever: Fighting Disease in the Nineteenth-Century Transatlanic Slave Trade by Manuel Barcia.
Sara Legrandjacques on Bengal Muslims and Colonial Education, 1854-1947: A Study of Curriculum, Educational Institutions, and Communal Politics by Nilanjana Paul
Cóilín Parsons on Worlding the South: Nineteenth-Century Literary Culture and the Southern Settler Colonies, edited by Sarah Comyn and Porscha Fermanis
Nabajyoti Ghosh on The Routledge Companion to Global Indigenous History edited by Ann McGrath and Lynette Russell
Katherine Fry on “Music-Cultural Exchange and the Nineteenth-Century Salon” conference (18-19 July 2022, Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
Membership in the Society for Global Nineteenth-Century Studies includes a subscription to GNCS: https://www.liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk/journal/gncs