Manuscript Submissions
Essays should be written for a broad, multidisciplinary readership. Submissions should be typed and double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins on all sides. Supporting files, including illustrations, figures, and tables, must be submitted with the written text. Unless written in response to a specific call with separate requirements (for example, a cluster of short position papers on a given topic, a review forum, and so on), essays should generally be in the range of 9,000 words (including notes and bibliography). Submissions that greatly exceed or fall considerably short of this expectation will be returned to the authors.
Because the journal uses double-anonymous review, no identifying information should appear in the manuscript. Your submission should be compiled in the following order: title; abstract (100–150 words); keywords (5–7); main text; acknowledgements (if any); references; end notes. For initial submission, illustrations/figures/tables should be inserted either directly in the text or appear as appendices in the same file. Although initial submissions may be in any format, essays must, as a condition of acceptance, conform to the journal's style guide.
An email cover letter should provide the author’s or corresponding author’s contact information. The submission should be saved as <surname given name> with no commas between the two names. For example: Doe Jane.
Manuscript submissions may be sent to global19c@nus.edu.sg
Global Nineteenth-Century Studies welcomes visual materials—photographs, maps, diagrams, etc.—when they are not simply illustrative but essential to an essay’s argument. Illustrations, figures, and tables must be submitted with the written text and may not be added after the peer review process has been completed.
Book Reviews
Are you interested in writing a review? Are you an author who would like to propose their book for review? Click here to learn more about the book review process.