Society for
Global Nineteenth-Century Studies
The Society for Global Nineteenth-Century Studies is a geographically and disciplinarily diverse network of scholars who share an interest in the world’s connectedness between 1750 and 1914.

Founding and Scope
The SGNCS is an outgrowth of a colloquium held in 2010 titled "Victorian Studies and After." That initial meeting spurred a commitment to launch the journal Global Nineteenth-Century Studies. An editorial board, whose members represent more than a dozen nations and six continents, was established and, eventually, a contract was signed with Liverpool University Press. Like the journal, the Society for Global Nineteenth-Century Studies was founded out of a similar desire to rethink the period, unconstrained by the imperial frames that characterized the era’s own approaches to globalization. The first international society for nineteenth-century studies, the SGNCS encourages a rethinking of the period through biennial world congresses in odd years and international symposia in even years, and publishes Global Nineteenth-Century Studies as well as a book series, Studies in the Global Nineteenth Century.