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This page is about membership in the Society. For institutional and library subscriptions to Global Nineteenth-Century Studies, please contact Liverpool University Press



1.  The opportunity to attend a biennial world congress within a two-year membership period (subject to the payment of the appropriate registration fee). Acceptance of a proposal is required in the case of presenters.

2.  The opportunity to apply for SGNCS sponsored research grants, travel grants, and scholarships (information forthcoming in late 2023)

3.  The opportunity to attend various regional events and other Society-related activities (subject to the payment of the appropriate registration fee, when required)

4.   The opportunity to meet, network, and collaborate with other colleagues from a variety of disciplines who share an interest in the period

5.   A subscription to Global Nineteenth-Century Studies 

6.   The biannual digital newsletter (the first issue will be freely available while future ones will be password-protected for the benefit of members)

7. The opportunity to utilize new features of the website to be launched in 2023

8. The right to vote in the Society’s elections and to be eligible for nomination, election, or appointment to the Executive Council and its standing and ad hoc committees


Your membership fees help to keep the Society operating throughout the year. Membership fees are, therefore, nonrefundable. 


ONE YEAR: Individual Membership (1 Jan-31 December 2024)

If you join midway through the year, you will still receive copies of all issues published in that year

New and reinstating members should establish their individual membership category according to the following graduated schedule. All prices in USD:

Individual Membership (income equivalent to $100,000 and above) $145.00  

Individual Membership (income equivalent to $50,000 and $99,999) $105.00
Individual Membership (income equivalent to between $25,000 and $49,999) $80.00

Individual Membership (income equivalent to $24,999 and below) $65.00  
Retiree Membership $65.00
Student Membership (eligible for up to six years) $55.00


TWO YEAR: Individual Membership (1 Jan 2024 - 31 Dec 2025)

If you join midway through a two-year cycle, you will receive copies of the issues published before you became a member within that period


New and reinstating members should establish their individual membership category according to the following graduated schedule. All prices in USD:

Individual Membership (income equivalent to $100,000 and above) $250.00  

Individual Membership (income equivalent to $50,000 and $99,999) $195.00
Individual Membership (income equivalent to between $25,000 and $49,999) $150.00

Individual Membership (income equivalent to $24,999 and below) $110.00  
Retiree Membership $125.00
Student Membership (eligible for up to six years) $100.00


Institutional Membership (yearly) $1000.00 (USD)

  • Discounted World Congress registration fee for up to ten graduate students or early career researchers (pre-tenure) from the institution  

  • Online and print copy of Global Nineteenth-Century Studies

  • Discounted copies of all titles published in the Studies in the Global Nineteenth Century book series

  • Special recognition on our website and at our World Congresses

  • 50% discount on full-page advertisements in Global Nineteenth-Century Studies

  • Gratis advertisements in the Society’s biannual digital newsletter

  • Department/school academic staff publications page on our website

Lifetime Membership $5000.00 (USD)

  • Individuals may become life members by making a single payment of $5,000 USD. Life members pay no further dues to the Society and receive special recognition on our website and at various events. 


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Product Details

This registration category is for non-presenting attendees. It is available until 15 December. Full refund until 15 December. After 15 December, we regret that we are unable to refund registration.

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